Kant -


The Revolution of Thought

Marcus Willaschek

© Göril Susanne Olsen



Foreign rights


About the book

Marcus Willaschek traces Kant’s revolution of thought through his work, combining this presentation with biographical and historical miniatures, so that a picture of Kant as a person and philosopher in his time also emerges. At the same time, the present-day relevance – and occasionally also the problematic nature – of his revolutionary thought also becomes clear.

Jury evaluation

Do we really need another book about Immanuel Kant? The great surprise of Marcus Willaschek’s book is that it makes us want to answer this question with a resounding “yes”. The author succeeds in making the entire thematic breadth of Kant’s thought accessible and comprehensible with impressive clarity. That alone is commendable. Yet the book’s particular achievement lies in demonstrating Kant’s topicality by constantly drawing connections to current debates and concepts: freedom, democracy and human dignity, the motivation for political action in the face of dramatic crises, the importance of the project of enlightenment and the limits of our knowledge – without losing its critical distance to Kant. Yes, it is possible to understand Kant’s thinking. And yes, you should. Now more than ever.

Marcus Willaschek

Marcus Willaschek is a leading international expert on Kant and Professor of Modern Philosophy at the University of Frankfurt am Main. As chair of the Kant Committee at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, he is one of the people responsible for the Academy edition of Kant’s collected works. His most important publications include “Praktische Vernunft. Handlungstheorie und Moralbegründung bei Kant” (1992), “Der mentale Zugang zur Welt: Realismus, Skeptizismus, Intentionalität” (2003), “Kant-Lexikon” (3 volumes, 2015) and “Kant on the Sources of Metaphysics” (2018).


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